1. Get started

Want to use JDash in your Java project? Great. This section covers the installation and the configuration part.


By adding the dependency in your Maven POM

If your project is set up with Apache Maven, you can easily add the JDash library by adding these lines in your pom.xml:


    <!-- ... your other dependencies -->

        <version><!-- Latest version number --></version>

By downloading the JARs

This is the most simple way to get the library. Go to the releases page, you will find a ZIP file containing the JAR file of JDash, as well as other JARs that are dependencies. You will need to add ALL JARs contained in the archive, including dependencies, in order to make it work in your project.

By compiling the sources

You can also build the JARs yourself by compiling the sources. To do that, first clone the project in the directory of your choice.

git clone https://github.com/Alex1304/jdash.git

Go to the newly created directory and compile the sources using Apache Maven.

cd jdash
mvn package

This will create the JAR file in the target/ directory, and the dependencies in target/dependency/.


The library itself is ready to use. If you don't use Maven in your project, all you have to do is to move all JAR files (JDash + the dependencies) into your project's lib directory, and link them to your project in the build path, as you would do for any other external library.